Eating Your Best Life


Eating your best life


HABIT BASED COACHING: Eating your best life


Eating Your Best Life

Girl, if you're ready to transform

 your body and your well-being, here's what

you can expect (& the goodies you'll get): 

Girl, if you're ready to transform

 your body and your well-being,

here's what you can expect

(& the goodies you'll get): 

Initial Assessment 

To kick things off with a bang, we’ll discuss your health history, any current ailments, your food preferences and patterns, as well as your current challenges and future goals to create the healthy body and life you desire and deserve. 

Then we’ll schedule your first one-on-one consultation—a deep dive FaceTime, Skype or Zoom call—so we can virtually meet (can’t wait to e-meet you!), review your expectations, and set goals to ensure you’re best set-up for soaring success according to your specific needs and desires. 

I now view food and exercise in completely new ways that are healthy and sustainable, the key to long term success! If you are someone who has struggled with yo-yo diets with zero results, or don’t know where to begin, I highly suggest reaching out to Joyce and signing up for her programs. As long as you are willing to put in the work, you will see real results."        

                         ―Katie Anastasio

Since y'all are complex and different with unique bodies, lifestyles, and needs, keep in mind, BODY BY JBAE does not endorse any particular diet. 

Rather, I work with you every step of the way to develop a customized plan to provide you with the guidance, support and structure you need to help you

slay your goals! 

Weekly Action Plans

It’s here we’ll create a personalized, actionable strategy to take you from where you are now to where you want to be, to hold you accountable and keep you moving toward (aka slaying) your goals. 

We’ll work together to develop new healthy practices and enlivening habits as well as remove any limiting factors hindering your wellness and weight-loss (or gain) goals.

“There's a lot to know about nutrition and Body By Jbae makes it so easy! Having someone to show you an alternate way of doing things really helped me incorporate much healthier meals and snacks into my life.  Joyce is so passionate about health! I would work with her again anytime!.”   


             ―Chelsea Murphy


Coaching Calls 

Every month you’ll get 3 personal 30-minute motivating coaching sessions with me as well as a 1-hour recap at the end of each month by phone, Skype, or zoom.

It’s here we’ll create a personalized, actionable strategy to take you from where you are now to where you want to be, to hold you accountable and keep you moving toward (aka slaying) your goals.

Ongoing Accountability 

& Unlimited Online Support

Girl, teamwork makes the dream work. Together WE WILL transform your body and life together! 

“You get out what you put in with Body by Jbae - and if you follow her guidance and  advise you WILL be where you want to be. And you will learn practices to keep going after your program is done. She even goes on a grocery store tour with you! Definitely check her out if you’re looking for a nutrition coach!.”


    ―Bee Matthews

Regular Assessments 

& Check-Ins

We’ll go in-depth into (and celebrate!) your progress as well as address any challenges you may be having. These sessions will help us adjust your action plan, habits, and eating strategies as you progress to ensure you’re continually moving toward your goals as quickly, safely and sustainably as possible.

Weekly Insights for Creating Habit Changes 

& Living Your Best Life

You’re about to find out that healthy habits are just as addictive as unhealthy ones. And you’ll feel so powerful  as you learn to keep your commitments to yourself! I’m passionate about helping you liberate your energy, feel great, and become what you know you can be with a simple and sustainable eating lifestyle, just as I did. And if there’s one thing I’m certain of it’s that if I could do it, so can you! 

Unlimited Email/Text Contact 

To answer your questions and give you the personal attention and support you need to succeed.

Progress & Results Tracking

Every week you'll get a weekly review to help keep you on track and reevaluate your goals and expectations. These will be in the form of surveys, reflections and assessments to inspire you to stay 100% committed to your endgame.

Every 2 weeks you’ll update your progress indicators, measurements and metrics (ez-pz to do, btw)

Every month you’ll upload progress photos as part of your progress tracking (and for some well-deserved chest-thumping)! 

“I came into this exhausted from yo-yo dieting & looking for help with a change in mindset. My goal was not to lose weight, but to gain the tools and solidify habits to better fuel my body. I got all of that and more! Body By Jbae's weekly nutrition lessons & practices made the process very accessible!” 


                                              ―Autumn Bloss

Go-To-Recipes for Easy Meal Prep

Every week you'll get new delish dishes to try. Restaurant guidance(provided upon request).

Cute AF, right?

Private Facebook Group Access

For Nutrition Babe support, recipe-swapping, and relationship-building with those slaying the same goals as you!

Grocery Store Tour

   (For Locals Only) 

LET'S SHOP GIRL! After all, you can’t live a full life on an empty stomach. I’ll take you on a complete guided tour at the grocery store of  y our choosing and show you exactly how to feed yourself and your families wisely and deliciously.

“I can’t recommend BBJB enough! I struggled with nutrition.  She taught me how to build habits and worked on educating me each week. I tried and failed MANY diets before. This program isn't a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle change. I had a baby 7 months ago and struggled with the new adjustment. I recently went through all of the education she previously gave me and began working on fixing the habits she helped me learn.  I’ve already began feeling better, more energetic, and have lost 7 pounds so far! "❤ 

                                                                        ―Kim Gray


  It's time for you to make a commitment to yo' most precious self and invest in you!

The introductory rate is only

 $233 a month 

(for a minimum of 3-months totaling $699)

Why a 3-month minimum?

1) Because we (you + me) have stuff to do! 

2) It’s been scientifically proven that 90 days is the minimum amount of time it takes to solidify your new lifestyle habits. 

Now it’s time to decide to GO BIG and rise up to a new way of eating and being that will influence every aspect of your life. 



Congratulations on taking the next step to transforming your health & wellness (and if you're anything like my current and former clients, your life)!


Let’s Do This! I’m Stoked!

Less time, Less cash?!


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